Dave's email kicked me into gear... as I just posted on the web site:<br><br>"I'm happy to announce that Nikto has a new lead developer! He goes
by the name "Dave" but I think his parents actually named him "deity."
Whatever you decide to call him, please welcome him to the club and
make sure he knows the secret handshake.<br><p>He's been hard at work over at <a href="https://trac2.assembla.com/Nikto_2">Assembla</a> fixing my broken code and adding new features, and is steadily progressing towards a 2.03 release (<a href="http://attrition.org/pipermail/nikto-discuss/2008-June/000045.html">targeted for end of July</a>). If you can't wait for the release, you can always check out the source from <a href="http://trac2.assembla.com/Nikto_2">here</a>."</p>
Additionally, Jabra (who wrote all the cool XML output) has been fixing other bugs in the reports code, and has something secret up his sleeve...<br><br>It's been quiet on the list, but Nikto is still alive--if you have the time to help these guys out, please head over to the dev arena and make something happen!<br>