[Dataloss] LifeLock's CEO identity stolen at least once

Todd Koonce tkoonce2000 at yahoo.com
Mon May 19 22:35:56 UTC 2008

I knew that it would be only a matter of time before Todd Davis had his identity stolen/compromised.  
  It has obviously turned out that Mr Davis does not realize the total scope of Identity Theft, as there have been at least 20 driver's license(s) created using HIS personal information- his driving record has to be getting worse now.
  This article also caught my eye as it brought to light the short-coming of LifeLock, in that it does not cover Medical Identity Theft, nor ID Theft resulting from banking information, employment or government documents...in addition to those types of ID Theft LifeLock does not protect against Driver's License nor Criminal ID Theft.  Oh...and there is no restoration service offered
  Conclusion...individuals better make sure that they give some thought to joining(or staying with) LifeLock.  LifeLock obviously does not lock the doors of the DMV'(s) when someone gets a license using one of its client's information to obtain a drivers license- at least it did not do that for its founder.  And now individuals are fortunately realizing that LifeLock does not 'Lock Up' your government or employment records- a big source for individuals leaving jobs, who want to retaliate against a former employer/employee.
  Better make sure more than just your credit report is being monitored; and know for fact that your record(s) will be restored, by your monitoring agency.
  Todd K


'But according to a new class-action lawsuit filed last week in Jackson County, LifeLock's identity theft protection services were so inept that Davis' personal information was stolen repeatedly.   "While LifeLock has only publicly acknowledged that Davis' identity was compromised on one occasion, there are more than 20 driver's licenses that have been fraudulently obtained [using his personal information]," the suit states.'



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