[Dataloss] Cancer patients now face risk of ID theft, Emory warns

Dissent Dissent at pogowasright.org
Tue Jan 2 17:22:39 EST 2007


Officials at Emory University said Tuesday they have sent letters to
more than 38,000 patients who have been treated for cancer at Emory
Hospital, Emory Crawford Long Hospital and Grady Memorial Hospital,
warning them that a computer containing their personal information had
been stolen from a business contractor in Cincinnati.

The patients were advised to put a fraud alert on their credit reports
because of the identity theft.

The patient records included names, addresses, medical data, treatment
information and Social Security numbers, Emory said in a statement.
The information was in a computer stolen from an office of Electronic
Registry Systems, one of Emory Healthcare's business contractors.

Emory spokeswoman Sarah Goodwin said confidential information from
32,071 patient files of Emory and Crawford Long patients had been
taken, along with and 5,959 from Grady. Emory University owns Emory
Healthcare, of which Emory Hospital and Crawford Long are a part.


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