[Dataloss] Personal data of NY transit employees lost

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Fri Apr 28 12:53:41 EDT 2006


Updated: 8:52 p.m. ET April 27, 2006

BOSTON - A company that stores records for the Long Island Railroad lost 
personal data including Social Security numbers for about 17,000 of the 
transit agency's current and former employees, apparently while the 
information was being delivered by a driver.

New York police on Thursday said the loss also involved data tapes 
belonging to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It was reported by 
the driver while his van was parked outside a VA hospital in the Bronx.

The records storage company, Boston-based Iron Mountain Inc., subsequently 
confirmed the loss also involved records of another customer besides the 
railroad, but declined to confirm whether the customer was the VA.


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