[attrition] Book Review: High-Tech Crimes Revealed

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Wed Mar 15 03:50:09 EST 2006


High-Tech Crimes Revealed
Cyberwar Stories from the Digital Front
Steven Branigan
ISBN: 0-321-21873-6
Addison-Wesley, Copyright 2005

I found this book just after Christmas (Dec 2005) and grabbed it hoping 
for a decent read about computer crimes and sociology, backed by real 
world experience and first hand tales from the 'digital front'. Instead, I 
got the worst collection of naive and inexperienced crap I have read in a 
long time. After paying money for this book, I feel as if I have fallen 
victim to a lame phishing scam. It is important to note that this book is 
copyright 2005, and says the first printing was in August 2004. It puts 
the entire book into perspective and quickly makes you question the 
author's credentials. In fact, if this book wasn't written in the mid to 
late 90's, shelved for almost ten years, and eventually printed, then 
Branigan should never claim any affiliation with the computer security 


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