E-Commerce Rant
by Curador

As you are already aware there is a serious lack of secuiryt through out the Internet as a whole, The place where this causes most concernce in my opinion is E-Commerece/E-Trading because even I have used my card on-line. Plase don't get me wrong I am for E-Commerce when conducted in a secure and sensible manor but this is a rare thing. Most sites simply install a Microsoft OS, Web Server and SQL Server put some kind of page together and waite for the money to start rolling in. These people are the criminal's because they advertise your privet and personal information on-line, even if they do not do it on purpose this is the result of their shody work. Although I do the same I do not charge you for the it nor to do I lie to you and tell you that I wont do it. Many of the sites I have cracked over the years have been easily compromised because of very poor or no security at all. If walked into a store and purchased something and the cashier asked you to hand your credit card number to a man in a dark corner called pedro from columbia would you do it? I think NOT and this is exactly what you are doing if you give your credit card details on-line (at the moment atleast).

How can I make my site secure?

The first thing you must accept is that you may never be completly secure and for this reason you must keep a watchful eye on the computer security front, atleast subscribe to what ever mail list's exist for the products you choose. At the moment Microsoft Products are the most easily compromisable so avoid them until they become Open Source (which will never happen so never use them). You should use Linux, Apache & SSL with mySQL installed on a different machine with completly different passwords from the main Web Server. Even if you do this changing passwords on a regular basis would not be a BAD Idea=) never use a word from the dicionary and always use alpha-numeric passwords. If your site is breached spend more time asking why & how rather than who? because no matter who did it you can be almost certain any one could have.

In Short Expect the worst and maybe..just maybe you will be pleasantly surprised;)
