Fingerprint Identification etc...
by Curador

First of all if you buy one of these toys(they are just toys) and you think that you are now hacker proof forget it, number one any one with a knife can cut of your finger and number two if it has no tamper protection then it is useless as anything other than a toy for example the Compaq Finger ID Scanner I got connects to your printer port and gets power from your ps2 port. Which is all fine and dandy until some like me builds a buffer box that connects to the Scanner then to the PC, safely concealed behind your PC out of view it can capture valid finger prints and then replay them instantly, this applies to anthing that has to connect your PC with or with out tamper protection. Use these by all means but dont fool your self into think you are secure when in fact you are even more insecure than you were before;)
I will be posting plans for a device that will work with the Compaq Model and maybe others check back soon on my projects page.
