Using Audio Pages to Promote Your Music

How They Look

Realaudio vs. Mp3



Using Audio Pages To Promote Your Music or Site

Why have an audio page with us? By getting an audio page, your music will be played in real time from this site. It means you click and it plays. Also, your music won't be downloadable to disk, since it is streamed from with the realaudio format.

You can use an audio page to promote your songs, act, other website(s) or improve your chances to get a record deal. You can also use it for the sale of your cd, vinyl or cassette release, as it gives potential buyers a sample of your material, and to record company executives, an "on line on demand" demonstration of your work.

The sound quality will not be close to cd quality like the Mp3 format, therefore pirating your stuff will be commercially impossible!

Your audio page comes listed on our local search engine (Site Navigator) and you'll be found by: artist name, music style, and even by song name search! Now, because the page is in actuality an HTML page, with your own personal html title tags, all the search engines on the web will eventually pick up your audiopage's address, making it a fantastic promotional tool.

For Instance, our artist Zilo Groove, if you go to Search Engine, type on the search box "Zilo Groove" and you'll find his audio page is third position (click here to prove that). The main reason why he is not first or second is because on first position is his main website and second is the location of his mp3 music files!

We also from time to time, invite record label execs to visit and listen to new artists (subject to our webmaster's criteria).Our current list contains more than 500 music industry people, increasing this way, your chances for exposure, however, WE DON'T MAKE TO ANYONE PROMISES, EITHER VERBALLY OR IN WRITING that you'll get the desired results.

Why?, well, even the beatles and Elton John were turned down by all the labels of their time, so who knows what hits next! Could it be you?, why not!

Because the price for bandwidth and memory space is not cheap, we have to charge a nominal set up fee of $25.00 plus $100.00, for converting your music to the realaudio format and streaming all your music files (prices might change without notice). Now, if you have already converted your music to the realaudio format with the correct time specs, the conversion fee will be waived and what you pay is the $25.00 set up charge and audio streaming fee of $50.00.

You can have either 2 songs of up to 5 minutes of length, or 4 sound clips of your music of 1 min. 30 sec. of length (we can edit them if needed at no extra charge). These realaudio files could stay up to 6 months on our server. Of course you can request to add or reinsert information, but for an extra charge.

A picture or photo is also included in this package with all scanning and editing fees included. Pictures are generally 400X400 pixels.

Effective March 2001.- Get an audio page and you are automatically subscribed as a new member of for a period of 3 months, after that, you'll be charged our one year subscription fee, or if you prefer, a 3 or 6 month subscription. Of course, you could unsubscribe by email notification prior to the end of your 3 month subscription and still keep your audio page for 3 more months.

Current members, get a $30.00 discount on this particular service.


How They Look

We feel that our audiopages have a wide view and easy interface, which makes one's experience, down to the point and fast to access.

Check out a few examples at:

Did we mention that you get an url with your name like and links to your other web site or email account? Your email or ours, since we offer a free email server as well.

Hurry up, establish your presence on the internet for the next 6 months or use us as a portal to your main site, don't forget, our audio pages are searchable by most major search engines.


Realaudio vs. Mp3

Since its debut in the middle of the 90's, Realaudio, a digital music format developed for the web by Real Networks, made listening to music without downloading, a reality, while MP3 a more recent format, takes a while to download, requires a higher transfer speed for audition, which means faster modems or high tech connections to the web like DSL.

But that's not the real problem; MP3 has a near cd sound quality compression scheme, and although realaudio can get to sound, also pretty good in stereo with a high sampling and bit resolution for a file to transfer over the networks, we do not believe that neither mp3 nor high bit quality realaudio, is appropriate for musicians who yet are not signed or who are trying best as they can, to sell their music on the web.

Why?, because there is rampant bootlegging all over the web, not a good thing for an artist that wants to sell his music. Artists shopping for record deals also run the risk of having their musical or sound recording ideas ripped off by individuals that own digital samplers.

A mono, low sampling and bit resolution realaudio sound file sounds like an AM radio transmission but is streamable (more receptive) by more people than any other format on the web.

And let's get real here, who is going to download and wait an average of 20 minutes or more, in order to listen to an unknown artist?

We believe Mp3 is good for listeners but not for musicians necessarily, unless of course, a musician is promoting a song that he wishes to give away.


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Sunday, May 06, 2001 - 14:21:04 EDT