U.S.A ROCKS!, China is for faggots!

Message from #pure-elite/Sabu

Tis a shame that you fools know only how to point and click your way through a web server configuration. I Find it somewhat hilarius that the Chinese hate Americans so, yet more than 98% of your .gov.cn hosts are on NT servers, products created by americans. The chinese hackers, the ones who actually know some unix enviroment seem to be the creators of tons and tons of chinese script kiddies. Cyberwar? what ignorance. The net scene was supposed to be a place where one, hacker or not, cracker or not, script kiddie or not could sit back and relax, while the worlds problems occured. Yet, you arrogant, inferior minded fools of China declared some "cyberwar" against American hackers. Although i find it pitifull and against my ways, i have accepted. And with much offence, it's a shame and an embarrassment that most of your servers are NT. Maybe you Chinese fools should copy the Americans again and *maybe* move onto linux, and without doubt i will probably see mass servers go down due to your insecurities, blah.

My Message is simple, you guys have lost, before you even have started. You might be one and or the biggest countrys in the world, but your ignorance and arrogance is beyond pitifull and obsolete. You can try as hard as you can desire, you will still be the bitches of America. I Respected the Chinese because they faught against communism(unsuccessfully), now i see anti-American sites created by Chinese proclaiming the American Government Evil. Evil? our country is FREE, we choose who we desire to be what ever they desire. How extremely mortal, you faught against communism -- gave up, now your fighting against freedom? you fools are rediculas and an embarrassment to the planet known as Earth.

As for those kiddies at H.U.C and other Chinese groups who are supplying "h4ck3r" tools to chinese know-nothings, you guys are funny -- lion, you are the funniest, you take an American coded unicode.pl and change the text, comments and add 3 or 4 lines of unicode scan varables, and you act like your elite -- that cracks me up. And for all the media attention that those Chinese Script Kiddies are getting is rediculas, i can't understand how the media is all "oh my god, chinese hackers have hacked 3 military sites!", but what happened to the "oh my god, American Hackers have cracked into over 300 chinese govt. servers!", i can tell you why. Little homosexual chinese script kiddies that root and or deface those sites afterwards mail every media outlet possible. I Can imagine a "HEEL0 I JAST HACKED MILITRY COMPUTERR!, PLEEZE POOT IT ON UR SITE!!!!". Laugh, oops i laughed in text mode -- excuse me.

America is FREE, beautifull and Superior, even America's most annoying Script Kiddies override the mentally of the most maximal mental wise chinese hacker avvalable. U.S.A ROCKS!!!, Long live U.S.A and Puerto Rico!

Greetings to: #pure-elite, Spidey, Mercury Switch, Jer aka tool, Ryan, Maverik, mattman, Professor Sonix, aries(the efnet pimp), Rid aka Moduli, GOH, Elec, Rasta, Everyone from irc.chatpr.org, govboi, p4ntera and the rest of hackweiser, reapr, Tia, Meth, AL-MALIK, Julio Fernandez aka Outlaw(probably one of the first Puerto Rican hackers ever), John Lee, Give much respect over to LOD and MOD(if they are still around), attrition.org, safemode.org, linuxsecurity.com, packetstorm.securify.com, www.cgisecurity.com, attrition/safemode.org for mirroring China's cyberwar defeat.