Asian Domination!

Sooo, china you wanna fuck around do ya'?
Imagine what would happen if the every u.s. defacer joined a force to combat communistic china...we're talkin' Quit crew, devilsoul, WOH, supreme entity, hackweiser, pr0phet,r00t-access crew and many others....
Well the idea has become a reality! Get ready to meet a strike force with strength the world has never seen before!
We are going for all out cyber warfare on your boxes and every other box that you fucks haven't secured!
Hold onto your boots because many will fall to the wrath of the blood bath!
Give up now and save your economy and cannot handle the force that has been created by so many people
DOMINATED BY Project China !
You will hear alot from us in the next 2 prepared.
We'd love it if hi tech hate and fux0r inc. joined the fight with Project china :).