fux0r Inc.

be a bullie...

beefcake! hello from the country that brought you the levi's your about to shit in...

mothers and fathers!
send out your daughters!

admit your the faulter, and we'll stop the .cn slaughter... mmmkay?

side notes: to the chinese hax0rizers. ok fella's it's like this...
sure, your angry cuz you lost some pilot of yours. i could understand that, but understand our position...
we're pissed off cuz your dumbass "pilot" was a moron and crashed into one of ours. i mean c'mon now guys, he was in a supposedly highly maneuverable and agile "fighter" jet. our boys where in a fuckin flying dildo with propeller engines. not agile at all. who's fault you think this really was? think about that one for a second. then you can either choose to be blinded by your pathetically justified patriotism for you ignorant pilot who basically killed himself, ooooor, you can, oh i dont know, maybe come up with a fucking individual thought of your own and quit allowing that damn communist crap to take the better of you... and by the way, you can lick deez nuts...

USA > *.CN

and to all the sympathesizers, believe it or not i can also feel you as well. for some reason or another you've come to dislike our great country for one reason or another. maybe spite over how conceided and gluttonous we are or perhaps just good 'ol jealousy it's the usual story. but just think, where would the world be without us? really take the time to ponder that one... here's a little test, look around your domiscile, take a step outside your door, take a walk around the block. now, when you get back, try to recall all the things that come from our influences... from the chevy corvette advertisement outside to the fuckin nike's on your feet that cousin wong stole from the factory he's employed at making them... when it all comes down to it, i mean we aren't #1 for nothing. started off with twelve colonies and been woopin ass since... i don't care what nationality you are, through history we've helped some time or another. and to think, disect this whole problem and all it comes down to is distance and politics... and that ain't no ponejammeh...

p.s: silveronfire, HUC, redcrack, 1ion crew, peak, and the rest of you, hah, you have small penis's, go away...

we have come to woop-ass and chew bubble gum...
and we just ran out of bubble gum...

join us in our quest!


greetings and salutations to: the fux0rous, p0ss0m, quit crew, herbless, wyre, poisonb0x, neonlenz, hackweiser, spun, daex, gforce, wfd, botk, orbit43, & the brothers of b0g.org (i'll be sure to pick you up some real rice as a souvenir while i'm here, coo? hah!)

confucious say: usa numbah one! ching chang chewee!

breakfast of champions!

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