The Time of Change is Apon Us.

Dear China,

In China your life is predetermined.  If you would like to do whatever your heart wants to do, the ways of your society strike you down.  Your government has outlawed all forms of free speech and all forms of cultural awareness.

Some people in America do not have the full understanding of what is going on there and may respond with messages sent to you like you are from the same part of the world.  Yet I understand you can not say what you want to say, as your government has bleed your minds so dry, thoughts of freedom never can come up. 

The reason this is because, your government does enough just to keep you hunting to keep your family feed and a little money in your pocket.  This does not have to be, I call for all china’s people with access to computers to learn, to love and enjoy it as your only freedom for this time.

In times of disperse always call on brothers in your same cause, nobody would like to see your society brainless and unable to do things the way to make you appear different.


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