Hi there,

ReDeeMeR was here.

First up, I _know_ I should not be defacing this. I am gaining nothing. Admin: Sorry man, I backed up all ya files and deleted nothing, all you gotta do is rm this index and rename your old one (the one I backed up) to index.html and your back up and running. I left you a .txt file in your www root explaining the problem etc, hope it helps.

Now, a few of you may remember me from February or so. I did a few defacements then. Lame yes, it was a phase, I wanted to see what all this crap was about and how "elite" it is to deface. Believe me it is not "elite" at all, all it is is a thing to do when you're bored. Or unless you have no life and enjoy owning .edu NT boxes for fun. heh. Believe me, making an admin lose his job is NOT cool.

So you may (or maybe you dun give a shit) be wondering "Why is ReD doing this if he thinks it's bad?" - well, there are a few of you out there who are pissing me off and/or spreading untrue crap about me. I want the world to know about you fools. Everyone, add these 2 guys to your shit lists please.

Sneed - I dislike you, you know what you have done and that is why I dislike you. I can't like everyone, there are some people who I dun like and you're one of 'em. Just dun talk to me, that's best. You proved to me earlier why I think you're "lame" - I mean come on, taking over an IRC chan with "+iklb 1 *!*@*.*" ? You're so leet it must have taken me all of 10 secs to /chanserv unban #chan redeemer then /chanserv invite #chan redeemer, heh. Lamer.

Sea4 - I _think_ you're Sneed, so do my boys on firepacket.net, as you share the same ident and quit msg, but due to a lame vhost I can't confirm this. If I find you are Sneed, you're dead. If you're not Sneed, I wanna know who you are as AFAIK I have never spoken to you before. Spreading shit about me is not nice. "Hey hackweiser, ReDeeMeR is logging all of your convos and sending them to the .gov!" uhm, yeh. You nearly lost me some good friends, bitch. I think I'll get some of MY .gov buddies to get some info on you, then we'll see who's "cool" m'kay?

Okay, once again, sorry to have to stoop as low as some lamers by defacing an unknown boxen. At least it is not Windows though...

Finally, this defacement is not in any way affiliated with any group/person other than ReDeeMeR. No one, other than me, condones this "hack."

I'd like to greet the following friends: Emma xxx, Chawmp, Enstyne, CrazyHorse, Dogbert, keoki, Di]v[pLeS, TheGame, eidkik, alien, Nim, TheGrimPhreaker, pr0phet, dislexik, p4ntera, sm0oth^, Penguin, jonliu, ion69, D-Cypell, y0shi, HexxeH, SirExar, up2u, palmito, wa1800z, Wang, defcon7, bansh33, Azrael, SunDevil, Xenographic, LoXaGoN, CHiCoSTo, cynik, LiteWait, Lora, solracv, SoCiOpAtH, InX, Morag, Anarki, pengo, Pandect, a1b4, acecww, ToTaL, 1ranger, axem, MaAaX, RuBiX, cowhead2000, FunkyD, kith9409^^, [-Th3Dud3-], Wazzerphuk, d4b0mb, Scud, and anyone I've missed. I know I missed loads of you guys, I just got these off the top of my head, heh. Sorry if I forgot you this time.

And the following Crews: World of Hell, Kebab Kru, hackweiser and QuitCrew.

Fuck you to Sneed.
