fux0r Inc.

and people get angry at us for being the one's to make them realize... think about that one for a second. now what if, say some packet fag needs a bitch boxen to annoy people on irc? (among all the other silent nuisances that lurk 'round 'ere) well you might as well be at a gay bar with your ass backed up to a whole in the wall with an 'eat at joe's' neon sign pointing at it from the other side, that is the lapadoo... dont worry though, atleast it's not just you, but you can thank windows nt for that...

; ; Database file fux0r.com.dns for fux0r.com zone.
; Zone version: 4
; @ IN SOA dns1.namestyles.com. administrator.namestyles.com. (
4 ; serial number
3600 ; refresh
600 ; retry
86400 ; expire
3600 ) ; minimum TTL
; Zone NS records
; @ NS dns1.namestyles.com (ya, see now... this thingy here ain't gots nunz of dat der fanschy schmanschy sekurity, juhz might want tee git yerszelfs sum of dem... ;oD
; Zone records
; @ A 64.163.131.*
ftp CNAME @
www CNAME @

Interface: on Interface 2
Internet Address     Physical Address       Type       00-b0-64-15-41-60     dynamic

(hrmmmm... now ya see what i think what we have here is a failure to communicate. just think if i was the little shit who installed the ddos daemon i just removed ;ox, dont worry, anything eventful went quietly and now sleeps with the fishes...)


greetings and salutations to: the children of the fux0rous, p0ss0m, quit crew, herbless, wyre, neonlenz, spun, hackweiser, daex, gforce, wfd, botk, orbit43, and the teachings of the monks of b0g

admin: alrighty, welp. first, take a deep breath, then, exhale. continue as necessary until you muster up the power to grab the bottle of jack in your desk and grab a glass. now, pour a nice tall glass and down the entire thing. repeat as seen necessary. three, while performing steps one and two you should be on the phone making plans to go to the nudey bar within the hour. three, since skipping of steps is not allowed you should be feeling a little better now. ok, its like this.. nothing was harmed, though you may not see the benefits now take into consideration, hmmm. a simple moved index.html > fux0r_old? an some fux0red logs? ooor... some really wacky bastard formatting everything or something. anyway just remember we didnt attack you or your ego, just the sec of this thingy. anyway remember fux0r luvs yew and much alcohol will be consumed in your honor.

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                            fux0r inc. 2k+1 • All Rights Withheld
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