#@! BiAtCh YeAh We 0wN yU0r Assz !@#

VIPER____ - --[ 0 to tha w to tha n to tha 4 to tha g to tha 3 ]-- - ____VIPER
#@ ! YOU SHALL BOW TO US AS WE ARE K-RAD 'n shit !@#
#@! We do have access to 0day weapons can *ZAP* you !@#
#@! We are like 31337 Trained Fucking Ninja's and shit !@#
#@! The GUN has nothing to do with this hack !@#
!@# It's a BFG 9000 Optic ph4s3r #@!
!@# Like i sad before #@!
!@# *-ZaP-* #@!

#@! BiAtCh YeAh We 0wN yU0r Assz !@#
                      -Dugo / H4H Meeting


********************=======[AnArChY wItH cOwS]==========*********************

We ArE nOt JuSt /<-RaD hAx0rZ aNd PhReAkErZ, wE aRe AlSo ExPeRiNcEd WiTh
aNaRcHy! SuM tImEz We TaKe StIcKs Of DyNoMiTe In OuR tEeChErZ aSs'Z! BuT
ThIs Is aN aRtIcLe oN aNaRcHy wItH tHe hElP oF cOwZ boOoOyY!
NoW hErEz a QuEsTiOn fOr YoO lAym0rZ...WhAt Is A bOmB mAdE oUt oF?
YeS iTs MaDe OuT of GaS! AnD wHaT dO cOwS dO aLl ThE tImE? LeT gAs! Do YoO
seE wHaT iM gEtTiNg At? AlRiGhT tHiS iS hOw To MaKe A bOmB oUt oF a rEgUlAr
eVeRyDaY fArM cOw.
FiRsT gO tO yOuR lOcAl fArM (tHe SaMe PlAcE yOo pIk yOuR sHrOoMz!) aNd
DePeNdInG oN hOw bIg Yo0 wAnT tHe ExPoSiOn yOo pIcK tHe sMaLlEsT cOw (A CaLf)
fOr A sMaLlEr ExPlOsIoN, aNd A lArGe CoW fOr A bIg ExPlOsIoN! In ThIs CaSe
We PiCkEd A sMaLl NeW bOrN cAlF. (DoNt GeT tHeM wRoNg, tHeY lEt JuSt aS mUcH
gAs aS a LaRgE cOwZ)
NoW gO tO yOr StOrE aNd GeT sUm cOtTon RaGz, aNd SoMe CaRoSyNe tO
dIp ThE rAgZ iN. (We Go To SuPeR fReSh cUz wE pHrEaKeD tHeM sO wE dOnT hAvE
tO pAy)
TaKe yOuR cOw To ThE dEsTiNaTiOn YoU wAnT tO cReAtE sUm AnArChY, AnD
tAkE yOr CaRoSyNe dIpPeD cOtToN rAgZ aNd StIck ThEm Up tHe cOwS aNaL cAvItY
MaKe SuRe To LeAvE aBoUt 4 InChEz oF tHe rAg HaNgInG oUt.
NoW lIgHt ThE rAg AnD rUn, 1 MiNUiTe LaTeR yOu ShOuLd hEaR a mOoOoO
aNd An ExPlOsIoN, PeOpLe WiLl Be DeViStAtEd tHaT tHeY hAvE hAmBuRgEr AlL oVeR
AnD fOr A fInAl ToUcH rUn ArOuNd tHe mUtIlAtEd cOw AnD yElL ANARCHY!


Hi all :P

Jug this one is for you :P

Defacing is fucking lame. So are you (heh)
- TEAM H4H -
- V -