world wide domination...
Sm0ked Crew

It seems that you guys think that defacing high profile subdomains of sites with and netcat.exe means that you are a good defacer/hacker. You are not hackers at all, not a fuckin' one of you can code a lick of any language. You guys sit around and think you are cool because you have had media through a defacement that the-rev stole from someone in hackweiser after they dropped it in an irc channel and the-rev has admitted to it in private conversations. Now for Downkaos, Ross youre not smart whatsoever and you thought net bios authentication occurs on port 139 and you even swore that the two most common functions in the stack were push and pull. We have schooled you before and we can do it again and again. Using other peoples exploits to deface sites is not hacking, you cannot get a job in the security industry with the cridentials of using other peoples scripts to deface a site. You guys truely are idiots.


Downkaos you fucking nark.. calling the fbi is gonna get you a hole in the head!