we 0wn3d thiz sh1t just f0r the fun of do1ng it. if y0u have s0meth1ng
   against it, fuck y0u. if u th1nk it iz pol1t1cally inc0rrect, fuck u.
   fuck anyway, we 0wned th1z b0x coz we can and u adm1nz d0nt know shit!
            yeah, ph34r tha br h4x0rz#@^ aand .. phuck y0u ! ;P)
                        __            _         _          
                       / _|_   _ _ __(_) __ _  | |__  _ __ 
                      | |_| | | | '__| |/ _` | | '_ \| '__|
                      |  _| |_| | |  | | (_| |_| |_) | |   
                      |_|  \__,_|_|  |_|\__,_(_)_.__/|_|   
                                  gr33tz t0
                       pr1m3 susp3ctz, gf0rc3, p3rv3r5
                     s1lv3rl0rds, cr1m3 b0y5, uns3kur1ty

                             FURIA.BR IS BACK
                    - Run Adm1n - Furia.BR 0wnz your B0x
                            *.Y0ur Sh3llz BELONG TO
          Furia.BR!@#@ Stay alive. Gl0bal Domination time is comming.