Crime Boys here!

Presents ...

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here we are, one more time, havin' fun with your low Q.I.
God! How can you be so stupid ?

Hey admin, don't worry, you are only one between a hundred dumbasses =)
Today we were thinking about something to do ...
We think that deface shit is better than eat it.  so, we did it.

Did you liked this new white background ?
We don't know how it works with the rest of the people, but we know that probably you liked 'cause you don't have any choice hahahahaha

--------- brazilian moment--------

*delegay*, look this, asshole:

they said: "O ministerio da defesa pode contratar pesquisadores de pirataria eletronica para ajudar na investigação que está sendo feita pelos especialista da policia federal e serviço federal de proceçamento de dados"

lalalala bullshit =)

Como voces tem a coragem de dizer uma coisa dessas ?
Ficam dizendo que saum os phodoes e naum phazem nada.
Voces saum bons, saum especializados mesmo.
Voces como policia-virtual dariam bons sorveteiros.
Naum se ofendam. Mais voces naum vaum pegar agente =)

--------- brazilian moment--------

We dont think you can arrest us,  so, stop trying to stop us and let's sell some ice-creams =)
thats it...
Dr. Mauro, we appreciate your work, but unfortunately, you're not good enought.

greets: Prime Suspectz, GForce Pakistan, IZ corp, Furia.BR, Tinkertrain,`flash`.

fuckz: tsi... tsi... tsi...

Leitão  .  John_The_Ripper  .  gtk  .  GoD_oF_RaGe