Admin, no files harmed, besides the syslogs.. holes patched,
but u need to learn how to keep up-to-date with the newest
security holes for ur deamons/operating-system !

Sorry but we need this webspace to say a few words to the NASA, since we owned a few boxes,
patched their shit and where there for them to help, but they don`t give a fuck. They just sent us "Blackdog", the same guy who busted the sSH crew last year and he now trys to get our asses. The only thing we wanted is to help, we dont need the attention for defacing websites or whatever..we dont want to act like the current defacement scene who all just deface for attention and to get known and they think if they leave
their mail addresses for contact to help the admins, they wouldn`t be called crackers. cuz if a admin mails
them they cant even help em since they only scan the whole net for unicode and such shit and the only thing
they can say is, goto www.microsoft.com ..i mean wtf they even dont know how the exploits work they use
since ./exploit www.victim.com -o 200 isnt very difficult and they dont need to know how the bug actually works. We arent like that, we like to find our own exploits, cuz its much more fun and we only deface to show the admin what can happen, since the most admins dont give a fuck when they recive a mail about some bug until they see what happens ..so we show it to them b4 crackers do in a evil way. but the NASA won`t understand the problem.. they just think of we could have stolen some important data (what we didnt) ..they r scared that someone could findout stuff they hide from the world and make it public, since knowledge is power and if u know too much they try to shut ur mouth, but we wont sit here and watch until u rape us and give the whole situation a false color ..cuz in fact YOU are the evil ones ! we tryed to help, u hunt us for that ..
what about FREE INFORMATION FOR EVERYONE ? ..the problem is the admin isnt as smart as he allways said and now he is pissed since his boss saw what a stupid cunt he is..u hear me blackdoggy ?!
They also wanted BrainStorm to spy on american crews like Icefist aKa Darkness did on us ..but we wont do such things! We just want to help ppl damnit, if we where evil we just could use some oc3 roots to blow ur asses away, or setup some stupid DDoS attacks ..wtf but we think DoS is fuckin lame so u should finally see that we r not evil ! Thats it ..we hope some of u understand what we mean ..and thx to all our friends who help/support us ..we wont go down !

Blackdog, give Icefist head and shut da fuck up bitchass !

! Special thanks to 0x7f !

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