Bosnia in the Yugoslav kingdom

When the constitution of this new state was finally settled in June 1921, Bosnia retained no formal status of its own; however, its outline was preserved on the map, in the form of six oblasti (provinces) corresponding to the sanjaks (excluding that of Novi Pazar) of the late Ottoman period. Serfdom was abolished, but Bosnia remained something of a social and political backwater in the Yugoslav kingdom. In the territorial division of 1929, Bosnia was divided between four other administrative districts and thus was wiped off the map. Further adjustments were made in 1939, with the creation of a special Croatian territory within Yugoslavia that included portions of Bosnian territory. In 1941, after the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia, the entire Bosnian territory was absorbed into the puppet state known as the Independent State of Croatia.

The killing that took place in Bosnia between 1941 and 1945 was terrible in both scale and complexity. The Ustasa, the fascist movement that ruled Croatia during the war, exterminated most of Bosnia's 14,000 Jews and massacred Serbs on a large scale: more than 100,000 Serbs from Bosnia died in this way, roughly half in death camps. Two organized resistance movements emerged, a Serb royalist force known as the Chetniks, led by Draza Mihailovic, and the communist Partisan force (including Serbs, Croats, and Muslims) led by Josip Broz Tito. The sharply divergent aims of the two movements resulted in a civil war. Royalist forces turned increasingly to German and Italian forces for assistance and committed atrocities against Bosnian Muslims; some Bosnian Muslims joined an SS division that operated in northern and eastern Bosnia for six months during 1944, exacting reprisals against the local Serb population. The Partisans liberated Sarajevo in April 1945 and declared a "people's government" for Bosnia later that month. It is estimated that the total number of deaths in Bosnia during the war was 164,000 Serbs, 75,000 Muslims, and 64,000 Croats.



WFD Members actively helping/defacing for the cause:

m0r0n, nightman, sub-0, n00gie, Cyberpunk, B_real, laughing3y3s, h3llrais3r,  B1n4ry C0d3, brake^off and Tå|{ê Ñø £Øgîç.

Shouts to :- Gforce Pakistan, m0s, doctornuker, m0r0n, nightman, sub-0, prime suspects, hackers hacking for a reason, dodi, quit crew (nitr8) and everyone supporting our cause!


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