Hacked by Theli

Major Fucks goes out to America, land of intolerism, kapitalism, racism, and hypocrism.

Poor people getting more poor, rich people getting more rich.

They call themselves people with values and manners, buth

they still have death penalty, police still torture people(mostly black people) but they still have the hightest crime numbers.

I guess it didn't help, did it? Consider something else.

Fundamentalism (of any kind) troubles me. The world is too big and too intricate to conform to our ideas of what it should be like. In my experience I've found that most fundamentalists aren't so much attached to their professed ideologies as they are to the way in which these ideologies try to make sense of a confusing world. But the world is confusing, and just because we invent myths and theories to explain away the chaos we're still going to live in a world that's older and more complicated than we'll ever understand. So many religious and political and scientific and social systems fail in that they try to impose a rigid structure onto what is an inherently ambiguous world. I'm not suggesting that we stop trying to understand things. Trying to understand the world can be fun and, at times, helpful. But if we base our belief systems on the humble assumption that the complexities of the world are ontologically beyond our understanding, then maybe our belief systems will make more sense and end up causing less suffering.

This one is from Moby, i totally agree with him, hope you don't mind Moby? For more info check www.moby-online.com

Greetings goes out to MrFloat, N|ghtHawk, Valentina, Jan, RabbitRamar, Suzanne, #h4h, #hit2000, #phreak.nl, Argos, ^herman^ and all the others who supported me. Thnx!

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