Kr4kr0k Industries Owns

No data was harmed in this defacement, the original index was renamed 'index.bak'. The admin may replace that backup with our file by deleting 'index.html' and renaming 'index.bak' to 'index.html'.

Hey admin, sorry to do this, but it was coming sooner or later. It always comes sooner or later to people whom have no idea what security is. If we promote security worldwide, it would still come sooner or later. It would because as long as there is an Internet, there are vulnerable systems. To keep the sooner or later from coming to you, read up on security, you'll thank yourself for it.

Mad shouts go to #defaced, WFD, and everyone else I failed to metion

The situation in the middle east has gone on for long enough. Palestinians are dying at Israeli hands and the world just lets the whole thing go in one in ear and out the other. Jews are not Gods holy people, nor are they special. What gives them any right to take an innocents life anymore than the next guy. Nothing! That is why Israel needs to stop now. The stage has been set for many years now for the Israelis to have a peacefull resolution, and they have answered yet again with bullets, explosives, and hate. Is this really a holy people? I don't think so. Nuff said.

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