w3 h4ck cuz th3 br4z1l14n gov sux!!@@$#%&&^%$%#2@#


well.. i will be brief..the brazilian g0vernment is r0tten.. this phrase express everything that it is.. (_*_)

t0 the duty critics: sux...HAHAHAHAHEHAHE $&%@#  by the way n0t! y0u ass is r0tten t00! HAHAHAHA @!#@! why u they d0 n0t f0rget we and they g0 t0 take care 0f its lives? HAHAHAHA @#@$!@@!@

t0 0ur friends: i need to your love! =) We not gay,We r00t!

t0 0ur admirers: thanx! we will keep in the battle! =)

t0 gov-Brazil.: You are a .... ----------------------------> s0n of a bitch! pfffHAUAHUEUHEUHAHUEIAHEHU! &%#@

t0 admin: s0rry.. we didn't want t0 harm.. =( HAUAHUHEUE.

greetz:  hackernews Brazil, GForce Pakistan and Other's Friends. Thanks =) :* in ass.

fuckz:  VUGO [ YOU ARE A HACKER? (risos) ]

FRIENDS:  Nuninho- (Sucesso!) , psaux , JF- , Tchel0 , Julio-Csp , ozzy(0v0) , Limp-bizKit,GuiNhO-Csp,BiGoDe-Csp! , ReNeGaDe, broadcost(KIBE?!) , filipinho- ..and my other friend!@#$

Girls:  Girls Of #Csp-Mania !@#$ :) The Girls of #Csp-mania is very *beutifull!* :PP (HEHEHE.)

Mail =->


Crime Boys IsSsSSS(*IIS*=SUX):

Leitão * Psyh4ck * s0ul * GoD_oF_RaGe * John_The_Ripper