fucking OWNED by blackout, stealth-fone, and Fone of TelcoNinjas. WE ARE SCENEWHORES.

WELL WELL! Seems Tph and Gizmo wanted to step. Oh well, Their funeral.


Nick: ^Gizmo^
Name: James Corthell
Phone: 503-xxx-xxxx
Address: 11xxx xx xxrd ave
Milwaukie, Oregon 97222

Nick: Tph
Name: Theodore Schilling
Phone: 508-255-1212
Address: Main Street Mercantile, UNIT 2
Eastham, MA 02642

PS Admin: Hi. TelcoNinjas in NO WAY was responcible for the CREDIT CARD FRAUD that was commited to pay for this site. That would be Tph's or Gizmo's doing. We just simply compromised them. None of your servers have been backdoored or anythin g, this is between us and them. kthx