(say in austrailian accent)


b33rcan lubs everyone
Unfortunately though,
hackweiser owns everyone =(

As you might have noticed, we haven't been hacking alot lately.
Well, defacing that is.

Some members have left, and others have stopped defacing.
Me? Of course not, I love defacing =)
Speaking of love, LOOK AT THIS FINE CHICK:

(kinda looks like my ex, with bigger tits of course)
One fine asian chick, ala azndragon.
oh btw, as you might have noticed, azndragon has joined our crew.
You might say shit about him, but really you can't.
You might wanna meet him, hes a nice guy.
And one sexy h4x0r.

Death to haters, and death to that

fucking faggot

who put shit about us on that EYE RIX box.
This is what I gotta say to him:
w0w d00d, j00 kn0w h0w t0 run d4 3r337 ./t3lnt3t'd.
I am still 100% wu-ftp free!
Hard to believe maybe, but I still haven't owned any system using any overflow in any ftp daemon.

Heh, seeing as I owned about 5 hong kong hosting companies, I will be having plenty of fun tonight =)
As I said before, we have lost some members, so we need to get some more.. so:
If you wanna join, and you think you got what it takes (YES THIS IS THE ARMY) then email us.

Shouts to: kn0wledge, RSH, azndragon, all my lubbers in hackweiser, GForce, some people in #blacksun and digital agression.
Fucks? Why would I give fucks out? If you know I hate you, then I don't need to advertise it.

People I would like to talk to.. possibly about joining:
r0bin h00d slu7 (yes i know who you are, I don't care though heh)
Web Claws
Now, if you don't wanna join, don't let it get to your head. Just email me with a simple "yes" or "no"
Anyone else feel free to email, you can't say no without trying =)