b1n4ryc0d3_2.gif (25038 bytes)

Hey Admin your site was been hacked by: b1n4ry c0d3 r00t cH4nT1LL1Z...

If you would like to know how I got in, please E-mail me or ICQ me at 56297498

Um Abraço pra toda Galera do Brasil,

"...HaCK THe PLaNeT aLSo THe SuB-WoRLD, DiSCoVeRiNG BeYoND oF THe uNiVeRSe..."

flubberchant.gif (51723 bytes)

© 2k, ...BRAZIL...

b1n4ry c0d3 r007 cH4nT1LL1Z

numerico.gif (4851 bytes)