Oh Fuck Yea

There is something about that guy.
Even He likes milk!

You all love the music dont ya
Told ya i was gunna do it
and The Milk Man dont lie ;)
So slap your knee and say
'Well i'll be a seamonkeys uncle'

aint that the truth!

note to the admin:
I backed up your index.html to:

The reasoning:
Cause i found the kid ass soundfile i had been lookin for, u know u all fjear it
oh and i wanted to show u guys my hacker group. they are the 'Stuffed cr3w'
n props to Starman_Jones, he is goin throw alot, R.I.P. to your friends dude i feel for ya
n hang in there bro

I scream You Scream We All Scream....PUT ME ON THE FUCKING SHOUTS:
ravagrrl (love u so much), hell, zenomorph, p4ntera, syk0bitch, Starman_Jones, d3rf, d3t0x, JohnA,
phel0n, ka0x, B0OB, bighawk, Tyrone!!!!!! and kidmafia (no not the packetmonkey) all of hackweiser...TelcoNinjas...0x7f..that should do...
if i forgot you....sorry ;)

l33t talk time:
7|-|15 p4r7 0f 7|-|3 d3f4c|\/|3|\|7 15 g3771|\|g 0|d 50 1|\/| d0|\|3 f0r |\|0\/\/.

Thats my h4x0r group

Ok. starting from the left. Thats Tyson.(the chicken)
Then there is Hackasorous (he is the Rino)
Then there is stoney (the fucked up lookin one)
And then there is bessy (the cow)

Hacka* writes my 0day exploits.
Stoney....gets stoned.
Tyson...doesnt do much bc he thinks he is gunna get raided
Bessy...lets us suck on her udders...er she gets us stuff to drink i mean

All done....