What is an e-magazine or e-zine?
An e-magazine is an e-mail based magazine. Unlike printed magazines or even web-based magazines, e-zines (e-magazines) are delivered via e-mail, and that means the news and information you want is waiting for you in your e-mailbox whenever you decide to read it.

What's in a BRIEFME e-magazine?
The BRIEFME e-magazine (for each topic) is filled with news, site reviews, and web article summaries. Each BRIEFME topic has several editors that write the reviews and summaries. The publisher then selects the best of the submitted items and publishes the complete BRIEFME e-zine by sending it to the subscribers.
Each BRIEFME will typically contain 6 to 10 reviews/summaries. The original site/article URL is referenced in every review, so you will be able to simply click to see the entire article or site that has been reviewed. (Some e-mail readers require copy and paste of the URL).
Here is a sample of what a BRIEFME e-zine looks like.

Are BRIEFME e-magazines free?

YES, completely FREE.

Can I subscribe to more than one topic / subject?
You can subscribe to as many as you want.

BRIEFME forgot to include a really important topic / subject I know everyone is interested in. Can I make suggestions for new topics?
Drop us an e-mail at info@briefme.com.

What if I want to re-read a past issue of BRIEFME, and I deleted my e-mail already?
Just come to the site and click on ARCHIVES. Then select the topic to get to the list of past BRIEFME issues.

How are my issues of BRIEFME delivered?
To your e-mail, where they wait for you.

Will I receive all my subscriptions in one large e-mail?
No; the BRIEFME e-magazines are just like regular magazines. You will get a separate issue for each topic every week, unless we have not launched that topic yet.

How long is a BRIEFME e-zine?
It depends on the topic, the amount of news, and how much other great new stuff is reviewed that week, but most BRIEFME e-zines contain 6 to 10 article or site reviews, each of which is one paragraph long. We keep the BRIEFME issues brief, but complete.

Do BRIEFME editors only review new sites?
Generally, yes, though many older sites have great new articles and content of interest, so the editors are free to review those articles/sections in addition to entirely new sites.

Can I unsubscribe at any time?
Just come back to our site, go into the "Unsubscribe" section, enter your e-mail address, and click on "unsubscribe." Another way is to follow the directions at the bottom of every BRIEFME e-magazine. You will get an e-mail with a special ID that proves it's you when you visit the unsubscribe form.

If I unsubscribe from one BRIEFME e-magazine, can I continue to get the other topics?
You can modify your account as you wish. That is, you can unsubscribe from the topics you do not want (by un-checking the topics), and you will continue to receive the others.

How do I change my topics?
Use the unsubscribe function, and you can modify your subscription status at any time.

Why do you e-mail me during the unsubscribe process?
We want to make sure that only you can unsubscribe yourself. By e-mailing you an unsubscribe code, we know it is you when you have completed the modifications to your subscription.

How do I change my subscription address?
Simply unsubscribe your old address and re-subscribe with your new address, using the regular forms.

I didn't get my last issue. Why did that happen?
there are a number of factors that can lead to your e-mail not arriving promptly:
- Your ISP or corporate mail system was down when we tried mailing you.
- Your file system was full.
- Your address has changed.
- The Internet was acting up somewhere between you and our mail server.
- Our mailing software hiccupped (we try to burp it regularly).
Of course, the ARCHIVES are always available on our site.

Does BRIEFME mail the newsletters in plain text or HTML?
We currently send out each BRIEFME e-magazine as regular text. That's the format that works in every e-mail reader. In the future, we may begin sending the e-zines out as HTML to those subscribers whose method of reading their e-mail supports HTML. We will always give subscribers a choice.

I am worried about getting SPAM. Will I get added to any mailing lists?
We never release your e-mail to any third party. However, if you selected to receive additional information on the topics you have subscribed to, we may occasionally send you a special offer that relates to the category you are interested in. We will never send you an e-mail that isn't targeted to your interests. If you change your mind and don't want the special information from the carefully screened third parties, you can request to receive only the BRIEFME subscription at any time. For details, see our privacy policy.

Do I have to subscribe to BRIEFME to enter the contest?
No; the contest is one of the ways we alert people to our valuable service.

Who writes the reviews?
BRIEFME editors are chosen based on their writing ability, knowledge of the topic, and commitment to good journalism.

Can I also be an editor?
If you think you are qualified, feel free to apply, and we will let you know.

I want to advertise in BRIEFME. Who do I call?
Please call our sales representative, Jason Fruchtman, at 1-800-932-7761 or 516-255-0500 or via e-mail.

How do I contact BRIEFME.COM?
E-mail us, or you can reach us via snail mail at:
352 7th Ave. Third Floor
New York, NY 10001