Yo first I wanna say "fuck the FBI" so far i've been threaten by you gay fucks about oh we're going to get you or we're going to trace you with our KRAD 3leet ANI system. Oh my pj33r you dumb basterds have been saying that to me and the TelcoNinjas for the past few months. You do not call a "CALLER ID with a DUAL 9 VOLT BATTERY' an ANI system. We 0wn j00 fags and your 3leet "DUAL 9 VOLT BATTERY CALLER ID" h0h0h0

Shoutz: wkD, TelcoNinjas, 0x7f, Hackweiser and to all those who I forgot.

# Doomsday Rage is coming soon.
# I'm sure the U.S goverment will be mad pj33ring.
sleep 01/01/01
./doomsday *.gov &
./doomsday *.US &
