0w!!!! OwNEd ByE Ev|L HaX0rZ!!!

H3333... waZZuP dOc ??
ThoSe Ev|L HaX0rZ aGaiN ??

beeehh.... y0ur poopy bAWx got OWNED??
ShAmE On YOu adMeeN...
hElP AvAiLaBlE HERE... Old index.htm HERE UbeReLeeT stuff HERE Britney Spears NuDe HERE

i w0Uld uSe th33s opoRtUnitY to sAy hAllo to maH oLd friEnd Tha Koyote  =)  PEACE MAN!! and fUck tHaT RoadRuNNah ...

AnOtHeR BoX got 0WnED.... aGaIN bYe tHose Ev|L HaX0rZ:
Deface by:
LuThOr LooTeX

AgAIn OuR EVIL GrEEtInGz go To:
the g1mps at b0g (cause of their madultrasuperk-radubereleet skillz)
all of the people at MakHack (thanx for the support guys)
pimpshiz (we suppoort you dude.. whatch your ass and try not to get raided)
Gforce Pakistan (cause they hack for a reason)

rhino9, el8, ADM and the usuals like attrition, hackernews, safemode...

Pj33r Ur EVILNES!!!

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