Fuck You

I don't know what Nashfinch's problem is, but they are a bunch of assholes. I work for Nashfinch. I work at a local grocery store called I.G.A. (Sunmart). Well, I've been working there for a year and a half now, and my first year was cool. Well, they hired a 19 year-old shift manager and she's power trippin'. I go to work and the head manager or the assistant manager will ASK me to do something, but when that bitch (19 year-old) comes in, she TELLS me what to do. She acts like she owns everyone. Then when I don't listen, she tries to push her power over on me and it doesn't work, because I know she has no power what-so-ever. I usually leave her in the store by herself at night, because she's a bitch and wants to start trouble all the time. Another thing about the fucked up management is they don't fucking comminucate with each other. The fucking head manager tells me to do one thing, when I'm in the midst of doing it, the assistant manager will go tell me to do something else, and then the head manager will fuss at me for not doing what he wanted first and then I get fussed out by the assistant manager because the head manager doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. The place is fucked up. Nashfinch, I hope you die and burn in hell you bunch of fucking assholes.

If you want to help me resolve this problem, then fucking e-mail me Scurvy

Mad props for pimpshiz helping me out with his 0-day exploit. Thanks pimpshiz.

greetz: #rsh