0o0o0o hackweiser 0o0o0o (yes, no fancy graphic)

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wow.. i liked your nifty telnet banner but i decided to own your asses anyway. muhahahaha. school started yesterday for me. same old shit. this sucks ass. summer's over and so is all the fun we've been having. i will still be around but i am getting busy with friends/work/school, so my h4x0ring time is limited. don't worry though, you won't get rid of me that easily. i am watching guiness world records on fox.. these crazy ass ppl *sigh*


i have nothing to say, and this hack had no meaning.. damn i'm proud that i have nothing useful to say, but then again, rhetoric bullshit never turned me on. if you guys have anything interesting to say, or just feel like giving me shit, e-mail me at phyber@attrition.org death threats are also welcome.

now for the overplayed greets than nobody gives a fuck about anyway: hackweiser (of course), rsh, p4ntera, bighawk, phel0n, hacker (mpaa), dez, phr4x, fut0n, evilclone, beligerant, and everybody else that's mental health has been questioned.