fux0r Inc.

welp, imma spit meh skizmflop so cheel...

nah, i wouldnt do that, fux0r isnt about actually fux0ring, its keeping the actual fux0ring from happening. we bring the issue of security to the attention of admins along our little internet adventures with a hope for a better world free of the worries that the net brings. windows nt is a piece of shit operating system the words 'windows nt' & 'security' should NOT even be in the same paragraph. nobody needs to pay dearly for the microshaft conglomor4ts backdooring your ass and making me laugh cuz that ain't my lapadoo and it sure as hell aint no ponejammeh... so just consider this fuel in a protest for better standards...


([_• fux0r Inc. •_])

greetings and salutations to: fux0r, wyre, botk, orbit43, soulkeeper, herbless, dem(where da hell yew at?), p.t.b., gforce, & everyone else nifty...

fuckzyouz to: the dumb niqqur that robbed zeroh0ur at gunpoint up in indiana on his way to nyu... i hope you o.d. on baking soda you piece of shit...

admin: nothing harmed in anyway, just bringing your attention to a flaw which allowed me to deface your website and bring your attention to the fact that nt sucks. it was bound to happen sooner or later might as well have been me, because i dont hurt anything.. anyway have a nice day...
fux0r Inc. 2k • All Rights Withheld