im yer daddy so bow!#@

Check out: BL4F vs. Altavista

I wonder why people don't take us seriously, HEH. hackweiser, a small message for you, we gave you credits because we thought that you had a reason for your latest defacement and now you start to diss us again, you are pathetic, don't come and bitch with us again (besides, we are not owned).

bash# cat hax0r-lnx.c | less
/* Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, (2000) hackweiser */
/* All Rights Reserved */

/* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */
/* actual or intended publication of such source code. */

#ident "@(#)hax0r-lnx.c 1.23 00/08/21 SMI" /* bow!#@ */

int main (int argc, char **argv[]) {
puts("now hax0ring h0st %s",argv[1]);
// ohday c0d3z d0n3!#@
// w4tch 0ut f0r th3 n3xt 3d1t10n!#@ /hackweiser!

hackweiser, contact us and we can perhaps be together in this "world domination" race? Or perhaps you just wanna diss us so you look cool, you ain't cool...

[*] - we still haven't received head from Sara @ baren, GIB US! :P (Check her out!#@)
[*] - UHM...I...WAN'T...LUBBIN'..HEH...


i give holaz to the following:
The rest of BL4F crew , you know who you are.

much love to all the niggaz in muh 'hood, keep on rollin'

Tove for being so wonderful and lovely, cheers b4by!#@

wemne,gim,rigi,doggie,db,ds,revve - for being my homiez, i'll always be there for you.

$me for making gay shootouts and forgetting *.

mad peace to ADM / HFG /

btw, console is gay / every asshole lying to me & making me sad

TH3 BL4F CR3W H4Z J00 -/- contact me at (i need a security job :P).