W3 G07 R007 833R F0R Y3R K1D5
hacked by parag0n and wax
ph33r-the-b33r 0wnz you

Administrator: Eye yam berry sowwy.  Tha penguinz made mee dew it!  Eye didn't harm anyding an eye eben bakd up yer index.html!

<Zapco> Ph33r the feds, uh i mean ph33r the b33r has died. You won't see any
<Zapco> defaces from them anymore because they realised that defacing is serious
<Zapco> so the decided to kick p4ntera. They seem to think that kicking the
<Zapco> main defacer out of the goup will get the feds off their backs,
<Zapco> HAH@#%&$ I DON'T THINK SO. The feds are still after you boys so
<Zapco> watch your backs
<Zapco> hackwiser ring a bell?
<Zapco> im wit dem
<Zapco> cuz i fer one
<Zapco> cannot fucking stand omega

^- What the fuck?  Um.  OKAY!  Let's show you the stupidity of this.  We are a little shaken because p4ntera is a fucking loose cannon.  He's going after sites and not covering his trails.  What's worse is he more or less writes FUCK YOU FBI on his defacements.  That's just asking for shit.  The rest of the crew and I didn't like it so we kicked him out.  Now he's started another group, hackweiser.  He complains we all turned on him after so much he did for us.  What did he do but give the rest of us a bad name by defacing NT sites and fucking with the feds?  Yeah sure he defaced a lot and what not but he defaced sites the rest of us found for him.  It's not hard to use ./msadc or ./rds or even ./g0d.c

Another thing.  The last line on that IRC log shows the intelligence of his crew.  Om3g4 is the same person as p4ntera.  Zapco can't stand him so he joins his new group.  Um.. does anyone else see a problem with that?

p4ntera.. dude I'll be the first to say you know a lot about what you do but you're too cocky and that's gonna get you in trouble.  You only have to mess up once.  You are my friend and will stay that way for now, but this has got to stop.  You're addicted and you don't know it.

As for me and a w4x, we're not afraid of the feds.  I live in Canada and w4x lives in the UK so we can't be touched by the American government.  Still, a lot of the crew does live in the US and we ph33r for their safety at times.  No one likes big fat dudes named Marik ass-raping you in an American prison cell.  =P

ph33r-the-b33r is not dead.  We're just not dumb.

pr0pz to:
emmy, Di]v[pLeS, [JcMd], Pat, Thoreau, bouncer18, script0r, Beligerant, BaDaSSSS, Starman_Jones, zenomorph, Preditor, l0ki, sockopt, hell, bighawk, fut0n, Dr_Likwid, MuNkEy, TheP|nkPanthe|2, c4ndyman, imp4kt, kT, xTigerx, Rumble, Rogue, Eve, digitalenemy, M41M, Hazard, Katamai
3y3 1u8 j00 411!

fuck yous to: Marik, Sephiroth, r00tr, and those others that claimed I knew and still know nothing.

Oh yeah.. I promised some guys I'd show em some linux chix.  Here's one I found:

Can you say hot?  Probably not.  Let us help you: haw-it