Have you seen Tariq Malik?
Last seen in Windsor,Ont

If you have any clues to his where abouts contact his mother:
Phone:(519) 253-6381

Tariq Malik a.k.a. skream9 a.k.a habib has been spotted idling in lame channels on Efnet such as, #r00tabega. He also refers to himself as a "New Age Pimp", when in fact hes a ugly motherfucker with a unibrow. Skream9, never fuck with me or any of my friends again.

Shouts to: RSH, cyberg0d, Slappy Sidekick, HFD (cause they be elite =D),p4ntera, sk00lk and the rest of the cool #blacksun crew, mosthated and gH,Devil-C and anyone who hacks and can give a shit about what others think.

Fucks to: The members of ph33r the b33r who kicked out p4ntera, because they were pussies and fjear the feds. N.A.P (skream9 all by himself) and anyone else who dun lubs us =D.

2k hackweiser crew
hack : gu1n3ss
html: b33rcan