do0do0 krew once again have breached your security (index.htm renamed to do0do0.htm)

No harm was done, this didn't cost your establishment money, so don't bother saying that to the press.

Now, a message. Irony is all around us today with many daily events proving to be ironic. One that is apparent to me is that JP,'s frontman, appeared on a televison program commenting on how he helped the FBI catch Chameleon, another so called 'hacker.' A person running a 'hackers' site helping to catch a hacker. That In its self is pure irony but the more ironic part is that the same day JP was on that television program, one of the sites under him, was defaced. I do not know if rootworm, the defacers knew that the program he was to appear in was broadcast on that day, but that is a very funny view on irony indeed.

no shouts / fuck you's to people, we all work together, we need to keep it like that