Indians You fags free Kashmir.


Was this ever implemented? Oh I forgot Insulting time of the cunts who have no respect!

Indians are all fags, they have a general habit of lying, it's not that their fault it come with birth,.

Here are some facts of Kashmir




This site defaced with a view to be a general nuisance (or however it's spelt) and to poke fun at the stupid cunts called the Indians

Also Thanks to the guy who send me the below


Q: How do you stop a Indian tank ?
A: Shoot the men who are pushing it.

Q: How do you disable Indian missiles ?
A: Cut the rubber band.

Q: Have you ever seen Indian war heroes ?
A: Neither has India.

Q: Did you hear about the other latest Indian invention ?
A: The new automatic parachutes. They open on impact.

Q: How do you sink a Indian battleship ?
A: Put it in water.

Q: Did you hear about the 747 jet which crashed into a cemetery in mumbai ?
A: The Indian officials have so far recovered 3000 bodies.

Q: Did you hear about the Indian admiral who had asked to be buried at sea ?
A: Five Indian sailors died digging his grave.

Q: Did you hear about the shutdown of the Delhi National Library ?
A: Somebody stole the book.

Q:You're locked in a room with jack the ripper, Adolf Hitler, and a Indian. You have a gun with three bullets. What do you do ?
A: Shoot the Indian thrice to make sure he's dead.

Q: What's brown and black and looks great on a Indian ?
A: A Doberman.

Q: How can you tell when a Indian is lying ?
A: His lips are moving.

Q: What do you have when a Indian is buried up to his neck in sand
A: Not enough sand.

Q: Did you Hear about the terrorist that hijacked a 747 full of Indians ?
A: He threatened to release one every hour if his demands weren't met.


Remember One thing you Indian lesbians and fags.

Previous Work (Arhived here)
Country Targeted: India (The Country of Fags)


Members, heataz, instinct, sniper, miller, luiz, rave
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and Linuxsex@Undernet, and, mad shouts to all freedom fighter in Kashmir and whom 
ever we've missed .hexa laboratories InC., MAN|AC, Peacemaker, msgmen0t, aekpani, Rsnake, daces, cen,
RR, symetrix, waiter, root66, sysop, apathy13, antipent, PoWerPr0, BigPopopa, and who ever we've missed


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