 The Kashmir issue, the most controversial issue in the history of humanity. Everyday, the Indians Slaughter countless mujahideen, rape, torture and execute innocent women and children. What for? What gives the bloody Indians the right to violate human rights in such a manner? The Indians have violated all norms of acceptable wartime conflict and have not been reprimanded for their actions. There have been repeated attempts to advocate free elections to let hte people choose their destiny but the Indians have suppressed all these with hostile intervention and the murder of innocent civilians. Why must we bear such atrocities? All over the world, the Muslims have been targeted and systematically eliminated. Kashmir, Palestine, Bosnia... what gives \anyone the right to try and eradicate a people different from themselves? And what has the US done to prevent this? Nothing. The US has always seen itself as the moderating power of the world but it has supported Israel in its cause and has remained silent on the Kashmir Issue for Too long. A Must we remind everyone that almost al l the people in the world is owned by the Muslims? Is that why the US kisses Saudia Arabia's ass while committing such injustices deep inside? And they call Pakistan a corrupt country? Just how fucking corrupt can you get when the President of hte most powerful nation in the world gets a blowjob from an intern working in his office??? We have suffered throughout the ages and will suffer no more. This is the era of cyberwarfare, where once again the Muslims have prevailed. We will not rest till every node, every line, every bit of information contained in our suppressors has not been wiped out, returning them to the dark ages. Well will not tolerate anymore, and we will not fail. As I type this from the confront of my home... far away in a valley the blood of innocents paints the mountains red....
Websites hit
    1. cnic.net
    2. brc.com.cn
    3. bwtc.net
    4. chinaoptics.com
    5. citicfuture.com.cn
    6. cncac.com
    7. cncom.net
    8. cnic.net
    9. cnsq.com
    10. fairchina.com
    11. fairchina.net
    12. hdavec.org
    13. hengde.com
    14. netchina.net
    15. tdap.com
    16. tianning.com
    17. todayphoto.com
    18. useco-group.com
    19. watchchina.com
Previous Work (Arhived here)



Members, instinct, miller, heataz, sniper, rave, luiz
Greets to mOs, etC!, PHC, #darknet, #flem, #delusion XPERiENCE crew, Attrition.org, 
projectgamma.com, hackernews.com, Tr1be Crew packetstorm.securify.org, self-evident.com, 
hack.co.za rest of #!GFORCE and Freedom fighters of Kashmir (the mujhaideens) oh and #lecole oh 
and Linuxsex@Undernet, and safemode.org, mad shouts to all freedom fighter in Kashmir and whom 
ever we've missed .


Admin: sorry if you are not a Indian, nothing was harmed.

All suggestions and friendly comments welcome




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