

"well now looky here! holly shit is that what i think it is!? dayumn! its another tag by obzerve..." correct. except guess what! i'm going to start doing something i realize i said i would never do! that's right! i'm going to actually start posting my sheit.. and yuh know what else? i'm gonna start trying stupid sploits and hit mainly gay ass nt machines so i can be cool like everyone else. i mean i know everyone who knows me knows how i just luv that kinda shit, o yes, love it! anyway also as usual seeing as how this sort of thing to me is more like tagging a wall with a can of spraypaint i'm going to start treating it as such and try to bust out some atleast creative tags for the visual pleasure of the admin so he atleast then knows it was someone creative that oened his page... anyway catch ya'll on the flip side.

much luv to: artech(you an me need to sit down and sm¤ke a blunt mang, i know you be roamin close. i'm needin some brotha's in the t,l,kc area to chill & kick ideas around with, i know of no one really, which really sucks my sweaty left testicle.) p0ss0m(whattup lightweight?), spÜn, darwin, b0tkiller, rio(fuckin twoface son of a bitch, its all good though, i still got love for ya) comlogik, 0rbit, ytC, DëMöN, zeroh0ur(yer a shady bastard but i still gots love for ya man), at0mic, am0, tilt, KurTDawG (inside joke), [kopykatz brotha's: s0ulkeeper, tragic, }angel{, allofkk], an 'ol niqquh named godfather, hfg, rootworm, pentaguard, pheer-the-beer, all of those guys get my props, and for all those peoples who knows wasup they know they g0t my props without me even saying... till the next edition...

fuckzyouz to: RC, head of 'team y0' (a misfit aol haxor grewp that is well.. lame. www.yourowners.com and on hotline haxors.dyndns.org, (he's lucky i have morals and dont drop docs, or his number would be on every homo list i could think of)) i had to take a whole fuckin day out of my weekend to drive 2 hrs. b/f to clean my moms machine after the moron sub7'd her while browsing around on aol. what the hell? was she just soo 31337 that she intimidated you that much? and on top of that, you go and create angelfire pages so you can make them look like hacks and post them, my gawd, bahahaha!. aaaahh, ok moving on.. lets see who else.. basically anyone who thinks this thing is long winded or has ill thoughts towards me or my peoplez will be cursed with a pulsating cancerous growth that will emit from their anus and burn them with the fire of twelve suns!! phear it... ;oD

admin: sorry junior, just couldnt help myself.. what can I say, shit happens, reject technology and the internet completely and move to an isolated forest where you can live out the rest of your life in serenity, which of course comes along with being a hermit and being intune with nature or something and eating bugs and jerking off for the rest of your life... but all is not lost, their is sanity within the madness! yer old index.html is nicely saved as pageindex.old and should be in your email box. oh and about your little security problem, throw an email my way : obzerve@antwerpen.com

until next time, keep it real...
