Defaced by the DHC

Admin, if you would like to know how I got in, please E-mail me at
or ICQ me at



Clone me,
let my mirror walk the world,
read my mind and find,
something on hind,
sight not so bright.

Clone me,
and find the things,
you didn't want to know,
want me to show.
In your thirst,
you clone me,
and then you find,
you didn't want two,
that do what they do.
And you didn't want two,
That fuck up and screw you.

Clone me,
and find your fears,
lose your happy cheers,
for my existence,
is your extermination.
Your loss:
my win.
Your loss:
my gain.
You might be smart,
but I'm insane,
something that'll get me further,
further then a brain.

Clone me,
and be sorry.
Clone me,
and be abhorred.
Clone me
and repent,
for all wasted time spent,
for all DNA bent.

Clone me,
and hate yourself,
for being able,
to buy me off the shelf,
or off the rack.
You might crack,
but I'm cloned,
so kill me, 
And I live.
If I'd kill you,
I'd give YOU,
your reality,
your imperfect world.
But I'd look in the mirror,
because of that mirror showing,
that I am doing the same thing,
in a different place.

Clone me,
and see.
Feelings of hate and anxiety,
for I am disturbed,
and will create a problem.
You will have to exterminate me
terminate me,
Like a little insect.
I have copies, so who cares?
I have backups, so who dares?
To bring me back,
to make me crack up,
and open,
something hidden,
something lurking,
what you didn't want to know,
but you get the knowledge,
and look at your sorrow.

So clone me
and see how confusing it gets.
All the problems it creates,
in a world with no safety nets.

Clone me,
and fear the day that comes,
where sons are clones,
created by moms,
in white jackets.
Silly faggots,
Clone me,
and be sorry.


"I already know my life sucks, so you don't need to remind me"