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Did you know, we get owned by phr0q again? Posted Saturday, April 22 13:45 by kornel
0wn3d by phr0q

Hi. My name is phr0q. I am a young boy. I like defacing. It is a cheap thrill. It is a moment of publicity for me. No, I am not 31337 d0ud. No i am not a script kiddie. I am phr0q. I would like to take the moment to say: STOP RACISM. Stop using racial slurs (HEH). I am specifically talking about people like FBI who has no respect. So please. Take a time off your schedule and be nice. Don't say words like spic, nigger, and chink. Have an open mind. This is a defacement for peace and truth. And by the way. Quake 3 Arena sucks balls.

Props to: Edward S., Sabu, nugz, Commport5, pure-elite (except for fbi), macar0ni,, hackernews, and the rest of the people i care about... late

F* u's to: FBI, AHS, the KKK, all Neo-Nazis and Skinheads, and all people that like lame video games like quake. fake ass shit.

peace. love. phr0q

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