ThiS haX br0ught toO u By:

We 0wned diS biznitch as part of the Prophecy Mass Hack in April 2k. A gigantic mass hack from all the crazy mofo's at attrition. If u wanna know why we're doin this ,its because we can... Knowledge is power feer us cuz were takin ova....

ShOuToUtz 2 all D4 l33t h4x3rz sTill KeePiN iT R33L,Ph33r Da B33R, Keebl3r, all of l0pht & cDc..., all our tru homies,Pr0phet,DaPuppet, and all da Tru attrition haxerz ..... l8rz......

FuckoutZ 2 all the jealous haterz
