Nawazzzzzzzzzzzzzzo0o0o0o0o0o00o0o0. You looking to that chick above.
She loves you alot n she is suggesting u to install Linux.
and Y3ah don't dare to export Rice again!@#.
You better start praying in Jail. :)
That's good for ya.
If u can't do that, better contact Tariq Habib.

0wn3d by [h3xx0r]

Thankz to h1s h1ghn3ss
Greets to PaRaN01d, nEvErM|nD, CaNc3r|an, sPr|tuaL``, RafaAlfa, 0b3rC0d3r, ^tumpi^,^^GABBAR^^,decenthash,A_D_BABA,
All users of #karachi @,
Luv maaia from his mad luver,
 and all the DCSian. 
y0..we rwak baby !!@##@$
