ptbblack.gif (11505 bytes)

Clientel of Ph33r the b33r owned this bizatch as part of the Prophecy Hack in April 2k.

You knew it musta been coming. A gigantic mass hack from all the crazy mofo's at attrition. If u wanna know why we're doin this, its because we can. Ph33r me.

Wordz: Breakin is the best, Prophecy hack ownz, Knowledge is power, and Fuck AOL.

Lame Security Admin . I backed up ur page.

Shoutz: BaDD_aLaN, <3<3<3 TL & D <3<3<3, 1nfinity, NM, Uneek and LS, Tigga and DSD, Bella, Gatinha, All of my crew at PtB, Attrition, Safemode, SugarKing, N30, Morph, and all other hackers.

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