WebCrawler   R - Add URL   

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Webcrawler is one of my favorite search engines. They present the information in a short form or long form that is efficient. Nice fast response too. The simple interface belies the fact that you can do some advanced searching also. If that seems complicated, maybe it would be simpler if you could look at some examples. There are also ways you can improve your results. A description of the results returned is also provided. When you add a URL, they seem to be better at getting URLs up on their service more quickly than most other engines. WebCrawler also allows you to check if a URL is currently in its database, and if so, when it was last visited by their web spider. Another neat feature is that WebCrawler let's you check out who links to your web pages. Problem with this though, is that you have to check each individual page's URL address. If you have hundreds of pages, as we do, this can be a formidable task. It's too bad they don't allow you to enter the site address and give you a list of all links to it as Alta Vista does. Webcrawler also presents GNN's Best of the Net, a hierarchical directory that is discriminating. This page features what's new this week and what's hot, which are the fifty most accessed links (not websites) in GNN Select from the previous week. Webcrawler is provided by Global Network Navigator (GNN). (5/26/96)