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This searchable telephone directory of 10 million business listings is brought to us by GTE Directories Corporation. Searches can be made by category as well as by name. If you guess wrong on a category the search engine will offer you some choices or give you a good match. This works really well on this engine. You can get help if you need it. You may submit a business listing and include a URL to your website with it. It's not clear what the URL is used for since I couldn't find any listings with a link displayed in this directory. GTE is conducting a New Feature Survey which suggests some of the things to come. This appears to be GTE's flagship service on the internet and they promise internet and hosting services in the future, but right now you can order phone directories and advertising among their products and services. They also offer a sister service called SuperPages WWW. The two directories seem to be independent of each other at the time of this writing. (4/26/96)