People Finder - Residential Directory Assistance   D   

      Enter at least the last name of the person you're searching for:
First Name: Last Name:
            City:           State: (use 2-letter abbreviation)

Or look up someone using their phone number only:

Phone: (###-###-####)

This is the most comprehensive collection of white page telephone directory information available on the internet at the time of this writing. It contains more information than Yahoo's People Search and displays more of the information. People Search only retrieves a maximum of 200 records whereas People Finder retrieves a maximum of 1,000 records. A search on my last name with People Search only produced 162 Churilla's whereas People Finder produced 255. Database America, the developers of this service, do not state the size of the database on their web site. However, they do state that they have data on 97 million households so the database might contain that many listings. People Finder does not have a way for users to add their own listing or their websites to this database at the time of this writing. If you are concerned about your privacy, you can request that your listing be surpressed. If you need assistance there is a Help FAQ. (8/12/96)