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Lycos was one of the first really big search engines and claimed more indexed pages than any other search engine. It can't claim to have the most sites indexed anymore, Alta Vista holds that honor for now. But Lycos is probably the best very large robot base search engine. It filters and ranks responses to inquiries more affectively than most large robots. Lycos, like other major robot base engines has also created a hierarchical directory structure, but its main strength is in the large easy to search database created by its robots. Lycos has been enhanced by the addition of Point Communcation's ratings and descriptions of websites. Lycos presents a simple interface with stronger search capabilities hidden away on another page. These other options are all availbable on this page. Lycos also provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions (28K = Lots of questions). Lycos has a new search database called A2Z which is suppose to be a collection of websites that are most frequently linked to by other websites or which are hand picked by the editorial staff. Since our two web sites, Eureka! and Silicon Valley which have hundreds of links to them, are not included, I'm a bit sceptical about how effectively this selection criteria works at this time. There's also a FAQ on A2Z. Lycos offers a Road Map service that creates a road map of a specific locality. (7/28/96)